About Me

Who is the Trout Chaser?
Author Bob Trevis is a retired trout-fishing guide who has spent much of the past 40+ years wading and fishing trout streams in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin's Driftless Area. A long-time Trout Unlimited member and a Life Member of Fly Fishers International, he has been an instructor and a volunteer over much of his fishing life, gladly sharing his passion for trout fishing.
Bob's first book to stem from his years of guiding was "Fly-Fishing for Trout in Southeast Minnesota...a Troutchaser's Guide" (now out of print). The popularity and response to his first "Troutchaser's Guide" is what sparked the ambition to publish his latest title sold here, "Trout Fishing the Driftless Area: A Troutchaser's Guide to Minnesota, Wisconsin & Iowa Trout Streams."